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Standard equipment installation construction quality acceptance

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:05:35Views:2589SML

The adsorbent waste gas treatment equipment is suitable for selecting the appropriate adsorbent according to the physical and chemical properties of the object to be treated. Only the selected adsorbent has the necessary effective activity to achieve the desired treatment effect; in order to maintain the processing
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The adsorbent waste gas treatment equipment is suitable for selecting the appropriate adsorbent according to the physical and chemical properties of the object to be treated. Only the selected adsorbent has the necessary effective activity to achieve the desired treatment effect; in order to maintain the processing capacity of the adsorption device, the running cycle, It is very important to distribute the internal airflow evenly. To this end, it is necessary to install the main contents and quality acceptance requirements of the adsorption-type exhaust gas treatment equipment, including the allowable deviation of the equipment installation and the effective activity of the adsorbent and the air tightness test Test pressure, time and acceptance of qualified to make provisions. In the "specification" also on the adsorption of waste gas treatment equipment, adsorbent filling, the adsorption layer of the support layer and allow the deviation of the general quality of the provisions of the provisions of the provisions.

Exhaust gas treatment equipment installation Construction quality acceptance of the general requirements are: complete equipment on the body and purification (adsorption) materials, accessories, all technical documents. Some of the exhaust gas treatment equipment is more complex, and even the "system engineering", such equipment should also have the overall design and installation instructions (including the necessary calculation of information). These technical documents are both installed and run on the basis of the product also represents the quality of the content. For which the parties concerned should attach great importance. Exhaust gas treatment equipment, or the complexity of the processing technology of the different circumstances, not only in the equipment before the installation of the box out of the inspection, acceptance, and do a good job acceptance records, if necessary, should also be sent to the equipment manufacturers to equipment factory Before the acceptance, the pre-factory acceptance of the contents and requirements should be clearly defined in the contract. Equipment handling, lifting, in place is the installation of equipment in the construction of an important part. Some of the waste gas treatment equipment in the dust-free workshop is larger, structurally, or more complex, so in the "specification"

① should meet the relevant requirements of the product specification, and do a good job protection work to prevent damage to equipment or reduce processing performance;
② should be based on equipment size, weight, structural characteristics, the development of safe, feasible handling, lifting programs to ensure that personal, equipment and even the safety of buildings;
In order to ensure the normal use and safe production, in addition to the pre-installation inspection equipment should be verified before the equipment, but also check the weight of the equipment (be sure to take into account the weight of the equipment, such as the installation of the roof or the middle layer, Purification of the weight of the treated material) and the carrying capacity of the consistency. Is installed in the roof of the exhaust gas treatment device.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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