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Central air conditioning installation of the specific processes and precautions

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:03:41Views:2956SML

In the installation of central air conditioning should be selected before the first installation location, in the design, so as not to damage to the overall design of the house beautiful, but also to enjoy the central air conditioning to bring us pleasure
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In the installation of central air conditioning should be selected before the first installation location, in the design, so as not to damage to the overall design of the house beautiful, but also to enjoy the central air conditioning to bring us pleasure. Below the central air-conditioning engineering company [Zhuo for] to give you about the central air-conditioning installation of the specific processes and precautions:

Central air conditioning installation process:
1, the purchase of air conditioning, choose a good service home improvement company, central air conditioning because of its particularity, should find a professional home central air conditioning company to install.
2, before the installation, to see the details of the installation of home central air conditioning, and decorating design to reconcile the unified.
3, lifting the central air conditioning indoor unit to install, to the machine to view, whether there is dust and impurities into; install the refrigerant tube, condensate pipes and signal lines.
4, lifting the central air conditioning outdoor unit installation, filling the refrigerant, test system, outlet size and location.
5, install the outlet, the equipment running test.

Installation of central air conditioning Note:
1, the material product view, in the installation of central air conditioning should be checked before all the items, the design drawings can be accurate, the choice of the installation location can be accurate.
2, the installation process, the installation staff can follow the design drawings, during the corrections have been corrected, whether the consultation with the owners.
3, after installation, can achieve the desired results. In the comfort of the same time, the family is also indispensable aesthetic design, whether the impact of the overall design and so on.
Of course, in the installation of home central air conditioning before there are many things to pay attention to, for example, how to choose to purchase central air conditioning, refrigerant, how to set the outlet and so on.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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