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Hospital ward clean room dedicated design

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Published:2017-09-18 16:06:51Views:2949SML

in the orthopedic ward patients long-term supine wards, clean room ceiling design is the patient most concerned about the problem. First of all to avoid the strong string of light, followed by the corresponding parts of the ceiling should be suspended comic or landscape patterns so that patients can relax the psycholog...
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1, in the orthopedic ward patients long-term supine wards, clean room ceiling design is the patient most concerned about the problem. First of all to avoid the strong string of light, followed by the corresponding parts of the ceiling should be suspended comic or landscape patterns so that patients can relax the psychological tension, good conditions can also hang the LCD TV screen.

2, in the obstetric room clean interior design, should be fully understood in a large number of subjects, only obstetric patients are not really sick people, to the hospital production is only a normal physiological process, so the selection of the ward, color selection, lighting design On the family as much as possible, but also set up love house (husband and wife room), mother and child room.

3, in the elderly, disabled or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular rehabilitation of the patient's ward and its bathroom, the clean room should be from the ground H = 300MM height of the additional 1-2 emergency call button, as the call system to complement and improve, After the patient falls, it can easily reach the call button, so that the medical staff in a timely manner to get a call.

4, in the cadres ward, VIP ward, senior clean room ward, special ward and other small space, learn from a small scale, affinity design techniques, the material color is more moderate, reflecting the warmth. So that patients have "home" feeling, psychological and peaceful to receive diagnosis and treatment. Vip ward bathroom should be designed foot flush valve, ward toilet wash basin should use large diameter water, to prevent patients left into the pool to plug the water pipe. At the same time, the basin should also use a durable clamshell water block to prevent loss and so on.




Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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