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A case of a thousand grade no dust workshop of a company in Hunan

Author: Zhuo for air-conditioning purification Electromechanical Engineering Co., LtdPublished: 2018-03-19 14:22:17Views:2513

A case of a thousand grade no dust workshop of a company in Hunan
The dust-free workshop refers to the removal of contaminants and particulate air space within the scope of the harmful air, bacteria, and the indoor temperature, cleanliness, chamber pressure, gas flow rate and air distribution, noise, vibration and lighting, electrostatic control in a certain range of needs, and particularly given the design of the room. That is to say, no matter how the external air condition changes, it can maintain the characteristics of cleanliness, temperature and humidity and pressure.
Thousands of clean room standards, the number of dust is strictly controlled in less than 1000 per cubic meter, which is the industry known as the 1K level 1) assembled dust-free workshop maintenance of all factory according to the uniform modulus and a series of processing, suitable for batch production, stable quality, prompt delivery.
Dongguan Zhuo for the purification of a company in Hunan 1000 clean workshop project completion: we have a large number of professional and technical workers and technical personnel, contests and more than one hundred excellent construction technology. In the construction and other technical aspects of customer praise, and more for your purification and air-conditioning projects to provide a solid guarantee. We specialize in the design and construction of 100 grade purification, 1000 grade purification, ten thousand grade purification, one hundred thousand level purification, three hundred thousand level purification space.

Below with Zhuo for small editor together to appreciate a company of a company in Hunan after the completion of the dust workshop after the completion of the results:

Dongguan Zhuowei electromechanical air conditioning equipment Co., has been insisting to build a harmonious coexistence of people and environment, sustainable development of the excellent clean workshop projects, from project design to purification project construction, uphold excellence, perfect, make the project in accordance with the requirements of customers, more in reducing late in the project cost, improve the use of the efficiency of the pursuit of a more scientific and perfect, in order to bring great benefits to our customers for our beautiful natural environment and reduce energy consumption.

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